Refund Policy

Thank you for choosing Daily Walk Design. We strive to provide high-quality digital products and exceptional customer service to ensure your satisfaction. Please read our refund policy carefully before making a purchase.


Due to the digital nature of our products, we do not offer refunds on purchases made through our website. Once a digital product has been purchased and downloaded, it cannot be returned or refunded. This policy applies to all digital downloads, including templates, ebooks, and any other digital products offered on our website.

Unique Circumstances

While we do not typically offer refunds, we understand that there may be unique circumstances or issues that arise. In the event of a duplicate purchase or any other situation where assistance is needed, we are committed to resolving it in the best way possible. Our customer support team is here to help and will work with you to address your concerns.

Assistance and Resolution

If you encounter any issues with your purchase, such as difficulty downloading or accessing the digital product, please contact our customer support team for assistance. We are dedicated to ensuring that you receive the product you paid for and will provide support to resolve any technical issues or concerns.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries about your purchase or our refund policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are available to assist you and will respond to your inquiry promptly. You can reach us by email at


This refund policy is subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to modify or update this policy at any time. Any changes to the refund policy will be effective immediately upon posting on our website. It is your responsibility to review this policy periodically to ensure that you are aware of any changes.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you.

Effective Date: Mar 30th, 2024